A sponsor, sometimes called a godparent, faithfully promises to assist the baptized or confirmed person in the practice of their faith. The lifelong role of a sponsor is a profound commitment! The word ‘sponsor’ itself comes from the Latin,
spondere (‘to promise’), and is related to the word
spouse. The spousal promises of marriage connect well with the responsibility of Catholic sponsors who
promise to be there as a pillar of faith for the baptized and confirmed.
Sponsors must be practicing Catholics at least 16 years of age, participate at Mass on Sundays & Holy Days, have received Eucharist & Confirmation, and (if married) their marriage must be recognized validly in the Catholic Church. These are the main prerequisites to ensure the sponsor is, in fact, living the faith they profess and are suitable candidates to walk with the baptized or confirmed person. The sponsor is not only present for the baptism or confirmation but remains a pillar of prayerful and moral support for the baptized or confirmed person. Sponsors can obtain a sponsor certificate from the parish at which they are currently registered.
Have you been a sponsor for baptism or confirmation? Perhaps now is a good time to reach out to him or her, check in with how they are doing in the practice of their faith, remind them of your love, support, & prayers, as well as to wish them a Happy Easter. Maybe you could even attend Easter Mass with them or invite them to attend with you! If you or anyone you know has been asked to be a sponsor, please be sure to share the good news of this Evangelization Card with them!