Gospel in Action (GIA), SRW’s social action committee, is continuing to raise funds for Kuda, a small village in Nigeria. We initially learned of their urgent need for many things, including medical facilities and supplies, through Fr. David Bridling, a local priest originally from Kuda. It is our mission as Christians to help the poor, the sick, and the needy. The people of Kuda are most certainly in need as they have suffered greatly over the last decade from terrorist attacks causing hundreds of deaths. GIA’s goal is to raise money for a health center for the Kuda community. The people are very excited. They have started making bricks for the health center and are looking forward to the building process and getting this build underway. Sadly the need for this facility is more urgent than we can express. We have recently been notified of 3 deaths in the village in a week’s time. Through the generosity of SRW parishioners during our festival’s Nachos for Nigeria drive and the Advent Giving Tree GIA has raised some money toward this goal, but there is a long way to go. Truth be told, without knowing the people you’re helping it’s hard to form a connection, but in the coming weeks you will come to know the people of Kuda through the eyes of Fr. David and his stories. You will come to know the very faces of those you will be helping. During our time in Lent, we will collect donations for Kuda. In the Lenten Bags, we have a burlap collection bag specifically dedicated to this collection. We encourage you to utilize the bag throughout lent by collecting money and bring in at the end of lent or bring in week to week. We will have a station set up in the church where you can drop off the collection. Your donation will save lives! Your donation will give hope. Your donation is an answered prayer for so many people.