Read below for all necessary information on the Capital Campaign, and see the sidebar for info on the Parish Center Design, Common Payment Plans, Memorial Opportunities, and Tax Advantages. If you want to make your pledge online, please go through Faith Direct HERE. Under "Campaigns" enter your amount for our Honor the Past, Fund our Future Capital Campaign. You may also return your pledge form to the parish office or offertory basket.
Submit your Campaign Commitment Form HERE (we will contact you for payment)
Thank you!
In 1946 and 1950 respectively, St. William and St. Robert Parishes were founded. For over sixty years these two parishes served as anchors of the Catholic community on the eastern end of Euclid. Thousands of faithful people and hundreds of dedicated priests and religious sisters worked tirelessly to journey together bringing people closer to Christ through worship, education/formation, and service. As part of this campaign, we honor and pay tribute to those people who sacrificed from their time, talent, and treasure to provide us with a solid foundation. We stand on the shoulders of these great giants, some of whom are still with us today.
In 2010, as part of the reconfiguration process that took place in the Diocese of Cleveland, St. Robert and St. William Parishes were merged to create the new, Ss. Robert & William Parish. This new parish, embracing the mission of being a community founded in a spirit of unity to serve our God through loving HIM and one another, is now eight years old and continues the journey: worshipping, educating, forming, and serving our God and one another.
In 2010/2011 we engaged in the Diocesan campaign, Rooted in Faith, Forward in Hope. Through the tremendous generosity of our parishioners who pledged and donated over $1,000,000 to the campaign, our parish received over $300,000 in proceeds. We used this money towards the replacement of the church roof. In 2012 we also had to replace the school roof, parish office/rectory roof, Merici Center roof, church HVAC, parish office/rectory HVAC, Merici Center HVAC, and complete electrical upgrades to the church. This totaled just over $2,000,000. Using the Rooted in Faith money, some cash we had saved, and a $1,550,000 loan, we paid for these improvements that will last us the next thirty years. As of today, we have paid down $225,000 on that loan, bringing the total balance to $1,325,000.
Over the last few years, the parish and school have grown. In 2017, we had 72 baptisms and 22 weddings, provided numerous adult education programs, have over 350 children participating in CYO sports programs and are currently educating 460 students in our school. With this vibrancy comes real facility needs.
For these reasons, we are embarking on a capital campaign to convert the current gym into a Parish Center and to pay down the current loan savings tens of thousands of dollars in interest.
Goal 1: Convert the School Gym into a Parish Center, estimated cost $1,400,000
Goal 2: Pay down about $800,000 of the long-term debt of the Parish.
We need your pledge of financial support to ensure the success of the Honor Our Past - Fund Our Future Capital Campaign.
Reaching our goal requires gifts of sacrifice rather than convenience and no one can give as much in one lump sum as could be given over a period of 60 months - except in unusual circumstances. Therefore, for the success of our campaign, we are asking all parishioners to “pledge” to the best of their financial ability. This is the only way we can raise a large capital sum. With God’s help and your generosity, we will succeed.
Your pledge also provides an accounting of how you plan to contribute. This will help the parish properly anticipate the amount of funds available for various projects over the next five years. We ask all parishioners of Ss. Robert & William Catholic Parish to consider the suggested gift categories and plan to budget for them accordingly, realizing that a Builder Gift of $5,000 can be made on a sacrifice of about $ 2.50 per day after a 10% down payment.
We understand that our parish family is comprised of individuals with a wide range of financial capability. We also believe that every member of our parish is important to our success and, therefore, each is asked to consider making a campaign pledge to the best of their financial ability. Please remember that:
Not everyone can make the same gift but
Everyone can make the same SACRIFICE!
Q… What is the overall objective of our campaign?
A…Through this capital campaign, we are seeking to raise $2,000,000 to cover the costs associated with paying down our parish debt and constructing a multi-purpose parish center through the renovation of the school gym.
Q... What is the estimated time frame for completion?
A...We would like to begin construction on the multi-purpose parish center in 2019. Additionally, through the redemption of pledges, we would hope to have the parish debt paid down or eliminated by 2022.
Q... How can I help? Can I pledge over time?
A... Our campaign offers a wide range of gift opportunities allowing parishioners to participate at many levels. You may choose a plan that provides you with both the flexibility and time to complete the payment of your pledge. After carefully reading the campaign material, make a pledge to the best of your financial ability payable over 60 months. A down payment would be applied to the current month and the remaining installments could begin in April 2018.
Q... Do I need to make a down payment?
A... No. We suggest a 10% down payment when the pledge is made, but this is not required. You may give less, give more or make no payment at all. The important step is to make the pledge.
Q... Will there be a minimum pledge?
A... No. However, we will need a sacrificial pledge, regardless of the amount, from all of our families. We are asking for equal sacrifice, not equal giving. Each family is asked to make Ss. Robert & William a priority during our time of need. All pledges are important, needed and appreciated.
Q ... Can I pay for my memorial gift over 60 months?
A ... Yes. The memorial gifts can be paid in installments over time, as is the case with all gifts.
Q... Are the pledges above and beyond my regular offertory?
A... Yes. We ask that you maintain your regular Sunday offering because the parish will continue to have normal operating expenses.