We realize that some of our parishioners have been blessed with the resources to contribute a Leadership or Pacesetter Gift. In the past, perhaps you have made one of these gifts to a university, hospital, high school, etc. Leadership and Pacesetter gifts are also important in parish capital campaigns. These gifts allow the parish to maintain an overall average gift high enough to reach its goal. Therefore, for the success of our campaign, Ss. Robert & William Catholic Parish is also making an appeal to those who have been blessed with the resources to consider a campaign pledge of $15,000, $25,000, $50,000 or higher.
• Pledges to the campaign are not legally binding, rather an indication of your good intention.
• Pledge payments are in addition to your regular offertory contribution.
• Payment reminders and a special payment return envelope will be mailed to you each month, or according to another plan, you may select such as quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
• Make checks payable to Ss. Robert & William Catholic Parish.