What is the Eucharist?
The Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ given under the forms of bread and wine. It is Jesus' abiding gift to his Church as the memorial of his death and resurrection. When we consume the Eucharist, we give our assent to participate in his Paschal Mystery so as to be united with him in his Cross and Resurrection. The Eucharist's effect is communion with Christ and with one another. Therefore, we call the Eucharist our "communion."
Read more on Communion Guidelines in the Catholic Church.
Rightfully so! The Eucharist is the greatest gift the Church gives us! If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist, some preparation may be required so that you can fully experience the fruitful grace of the Blessed Sacrament!
Communion Preparation for Children
We prepare children Grade 2 and above for First Communion. Contact Anney Roach if your child needs religious instruction for the sacraments. Contact Martha Dodd if your child attends our school and would like to make his or her First Communion. Please note that Baptism is a prerequisite to reception of the Eucharist.
Communion Preparation for Adults
We invite adults who have not made their First Communion in the Catholic Church to consider the journey of Christian Initiation (RCIA). This path of preparation and discernment will help you discover the rich teachings of the Catholic tradition of participation in the Sacraments. Contact Renee Barber for more information!